The Godfathers of London

The Godfathers of London

The second in the Singhing Detective Series

Product information

December 1st 2013

A Sikh by birth. An East Ender by choice. Meet the formidable DS Singh. Following three apparently unlinked, but gruesome, murders in the East End of London, Police Detective Sergeant Jazwinder Singh is once more on the case. Jazz has a reputation for getting into murderous situations so when his rookie DC Ash Kumar disappears - the race is on. The underbelly of society who don't talk to police, talk to Jazz. Together Jazz, his reluctant snout Mad Pete, who seems to have a finger in every dodgy pie in the East End, and DI Boomer work to protect London and solve the horrific murders.
Never one to avoid trouble, Jazz heads straight into murky and lawless areas to take on the Godfathers of London. Someone had to do it - and someone is going to die. The Godfathers of London is the the second in a series of multi-cultural thrillers featuring detective DS Singh. The first, The Singhing Detective, was made into a film, screened in December 2013.


Also available as an eBook


Customer reviews

The Godfathers of London


Brilliant from start to finnish .. Jazz is so bad. by j0hn on May 23, 2023

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Book Information

Available formats

  • Paperback
  • eBook


  • ISBN: 978-1783061655